Dr. Terri Stone - Veterinarian


Dr. Stone has been practicing in the Pearland area since moving here in 2001 after graduating from Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine, where she lives with her husband, Kyle.

Together, they have cultivated a vibrant life filled with family, community involvement, and professional accomplishments.

Family and Education

Dr. Stone and her husband, Kyle, both Aggie Alums, are proud parents of two daughters who also graduated from Texas A&M University. Megan followed in her mother's footsteps and is a small animal veterinarian in Cypress and Amber is a middle school teacher in Austin. Reflecting her passion for community education, Dr. Stone donates time every year to area schools, speaking to children about animal health and careers in veterinary medicine.

Community Involvement

Both Dr. Stone and her husband have been very active with local 4H and youth sports, including coaching soccer and softball. Their dedication to these activities continues as they remain ardent supporters of local youth sports.

Athletic Achievements

An avid runner and triathlete, Dr. Stone has qualified for prestigious marathons in Boston, Chicago, and New York, as well as the Ironman 70.3 World Championships in France, St. George, Finland, and recently in New Zealand, as well as the World Championships in Kona, Hawaii.

Animal Companions

The Stone household is bustling with their "furry" children, which include a Shetland Sheepdog (Dylan), a labradoodle (Indie), a cat (Mojo), sheep (John, Sarah, Mally, and Izza), a pig (Dash), a turkey (Kyle), and chickens.

Professional Focus

Dr. Stone has special areas of interest in veterinary medicine, including orthopedic surgery (TPLO, CCL repair, FHO, bone plating/pinning), soft tissue surgery, ultrasound, Total Ear Canal Ablations (TECA), and dentistry. Her expertise and dedication to her field make her a valuable resource for animal care in the Pearland community.

With a life rich in family, professional achievements, and community service, Dr. Stone exemplifies dedication, compassion, and excellence in all that she does.

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